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Here Are Some Reasons Why You Suffer From Constant Fatigue

Feeling Tired All the Time? Here Are Some Reasons Why You Suffer from Constant Fatigue

There are many reasons you may feel tired occasionally — or even a lot of the time. Maybe you're the parent of an infant or toddler, or you have an extremely busy work or social schedule. Perhaps you have a tendency to overdo caffeine or alcohol consumption. If these factors affect you, there are solutions to the problem. For example, your infant may eventually start sleeping through the night, and it's possible to cut back on caffeine, alcohol, and your social schedule. You may even be able to trim your work schedule. If you make appropriate life changes and still feel fatigued, it may be time to call your physician to check for the following causes:

  1. Anemia: This blood disorder is caused by a lack of red blood cells and may cause fatigue, headaches, and other symptoms. A simple CBC blood test may easily rule out this condition.
  2. Thyroid: Too little thyroid hormone in the body may cause hypothyroidism, and one of the major symptoms is fatigue. You may also feel excessively thirsty or have sudden weight gain. A simple blood test may rule out any type of thyroid issue.
  3. Diabetes: If your insulin and glucose levels are out of whack, it may cause tiredness, which is a prime symptom of type 2 diabetes. A battery of fasting glucose blood tests may determine if you are pre-diabetic or have diabetes.
  4. Depression: Depression is not an imaginary problem. If you've recently experienced some ups and downs in your life, depression may easily cause excessive fatigue. Be honest with your doctor about how you're feeling to ensure you receive the proper treatment.